Plant A Tree
Plant many tree is an excellent idea that everyone can help our world.Trees actually contribute more oxygen into the atmosphere than other green things like grass. As world forests are being depleted it is more important than ever to replace these giant oxygen generators. I agree. let plant a tree in front of your house or plant trees in your free time any places to refresh our environment.
Stop Buying Bottled Water
Water is another limited resource but a necessity to have to save the world. Many people enjoy bottle water but using bottled water is not ecologically sound. Besides possible health risks, the process for making the bottles can harm the environment and waste is another problem. Bottle production requires the use of fossil fuels and toxic chemicals in the plastic bottles can harm health and leach out as pollution. We can save our world by using fewer plastic liquid container instead bottle water.
Recycling is well known by people in most modern countries. Set up a home recycling center by using several boxes or bins and separate out items for recycling. Collect cardboard, plastic, glass, paper and metal in the containers. Children will enjoy your attempt to save the world in this fashion. Kids have fun helping out especially when they can dump the bins into the recycling center containers. Recycling is simple enough that even the youngest children can understand about doing the separating. Take care with disposal of your batteries and other hazardous materials to see that they get to the proper place for recycling. Extend your effort to save the world by shopping for recyclables and buying from resale stores, using libraries and rental stores.
In time, people is much more active with the global warming and These 3 ways can help you to fashionable with us.
wow!! I already know.
Good, but remember to try to use your own words as much as possible. However, this is very informative. A good topic.